Treating acne scars with Fraxel laser. Is it for you?
December 23, 2015Acne scars are a troubling problem that can interfere with your self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, there is a solution in Fraxel laser technology, a treatment we provide here at The Aesthetic Wellness Center.
How does Fraxel treat acne scars?
Fraxel is a widely praised, FDA-approved treatment for acne scars. A patient can expect a 50-75% improvement in the skin divots caused by damaging breakouts. Here at The Aesthetic Wellness Center, we use the 1550 wavelength erbium laser of the Fraxel DUAL to treat acne scarring. The laser sends microscopic laser columns into the skin that create micro wounds in problem areas. As the skin heals around these tiny wounds, it produces collagen. This new collagen restores volume to areas hollowed by acne, smoothing out the skin’s appearance. The micro wounds will continue to heal and remodel collagen for up to six months after we treat the skin.
Is Fraxel right for you?
Fraxel treatments have proven effective on boxcar scars, broad depressions with steep edges, and rolling acne scars, broad depressions with sloping edges. Typically about 5 to 6 treatments, spaced at least 3 to 4 weeks apart, are required to notice an improvement in the appearance of the acne scars.
(Click to read about the Fraxel treatment process.)
Any other considerations?
During a Fraxel treatment melanocytes can become hyperactive. This creates a risk of hyper pigmentation or darkening of the skin, especially for those with darker skin tones. To minimize the risk of hyper pigmentation, we recommend patients start a pretreatment of 4% hydroquinone 4 to 6 weeks in advance of the procedure and resume treatment one week after. We advise patients to use sunscreen and avoid the sun in the first four weeks following a Fraxel procedure.