New Non-Surgical Treatment Zaps Away that Double Chin

May 3, 2016

New Non-Surgical Treatment Zaps Away that Double Chin

According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, nearly 70% of people are bothered by their double chin. If you have mild to significant fat under your chin area, you should meet with a facial plastic surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for Kybella. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that is used to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin area (aka “double chin”).

All consultations are performed by Min S. Ahn, MD FACS, a double board certified facial plastic surgeon who has over 15 years of experience in treating the face and neck. During your consultation, Dr. Ahn will evaluate your skin and help determine if you are an appropriate candidate for Kybella.

What is Kybella:

Kybella contains a naturally occurring molecule that dissolves fat, which your body then flushes out. The medication is injected into a patient’s targeted problem area to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin, also called the “double chin.” Kybella works best on patients who have excellent skin and a distinct fat “pooch.” Kybella also:

  • Permanently destroy fat cells under the chin
  • Is FDA-approved for adults 18 and older
  • Shows visible results in as little as two treatment sessions
  • Is proven both safe and effective
  • Is a procedure performed by our talented, extensively trained staff with more than 15 years of experience treating the face, chin, and neck area

How Kybella works:

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule found in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat again. Your extra chin is essentially gone for good.

A typical Kybella treatment is approximately 30 minutes long and afterwards patients are able to return to their everyday activities. The most common side effects patients may experience include some swelling, bruising, discomfort, numbness, redness and areas of hardness around the treatment area. However, those side effects are generally only temporary and disappear within a week. Most patients see amazing results after two to six sessions, which are spaced about a month apart.

Am I a good candidate for Kybella?

Kybella is not a substitute for surgery. It will not eliminate excess skin, jowls, or neck bands. In fact, those may be more noticeable after a Kybella treatment, which is why it is so important to consult with a facial plastic surgeon prior to your treatment.

The ideal candidates for Kybella have healthy, elastic skin that will “bounce” back after the injection, and a noticeable bulge in the chin area that they’d like to improve. Only an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Ahn, can determine if you are a candidate for a double chin treatment during your consultation at our facility.

Kybella results:

When you have your Kybella treatment, the affected fat cells will be permanently destroyed, eliminating your double chin. Your results are, in fact, permanent as long as you maintain your weight with your normal diet and exercise.

The 6 Best Cosmetic Procedures For Your Face

February 22, 2016


Let’s face it. We all want to look our best. When we look good, we feel good, which takes our self-confidence to a whole new level.  Fortunately, nobody is perfect. We all have flaws. Whether its acne scars or fine lines—we’d all love to be able to wave a magic wand and make those pesky imperfections go away. Even though that’s unfortunately not an option—we’ve got the next best thing. Thanks to continuing advances in technology, there are several cosmetic procedures that provide patients with amazing results, with less downtime than ever before, to help you achieve the look you’ve always desired.

  1. Mini Lift, Lower Facelift, and Neck lift

Less invasive than a traditional face lift, a mini lift or lower facelift are ideal options for patients between 40-60 years of age who are experiencing problems with their jawline. Unlike traditional facelifts, Dr. Ahn uses small, curved incisions, which provide patients with a more discrete and natural look.  Instead of just removing the jowls, Dr. Ahn moves them upward, restoring volume to the cheeks.  For those patients who are concerned with a poorly defined neck angle or prominent neck bands, a necklift is the best option.  By tightening the muscle layers by using a “corset” suture technique, patients notice significant improvement in the neck contour.  Oftentimes a mini lift or lower facelift are done in combination with a necklift.

  1. Upper Eyelid Surgery

If you suffer from excess skin on your upper eyelids or appear tired even when you’re not, this procedure might be for you. Upper eyelid surgery removes the excess skin through a careful incision in the eyelid crease. This procedure rejuvenates the area around the eyes, creating a more youthful appearance.

  1. Botox

Once most people hit their mid 30’s, many will develop lines on the upper half of the face. Typically known as “worry lines,” “frown lines” or “crow’s feet” these lines can make a person appear older  tired, and/or angry. Botox injections are the best treatment to help soften these lines of facial expression, without any downtime whatsoever.  Within a few days of the treatment, the treated lines begin to soften, revealing a smoother, fresher appearance.

  1. Juvederm and Voluma

Similar to Botox, Juvederm is also an injectable treatment that is designed to minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles.   Juvederm rejuvenates areas of the face where volume has been lost, such as the lower eyelid area (also known as the tear troughs), the nasolabial folds (lines between the corner of the mouth and the corner of the nose), lips, and cheeks.  It is made of naturally occurring hyaluronic acid (we all have it in our skin and joints) and is FDA-approved to instantly smooth moderate to severe wrinkles around the nose and mouth for up to one year. Voluma, which is a member of the Juvederm family, is designed to add volume to the cheek area.  It provides the cheeks with a subtle lift and contour for up to two years.

  1. Fraxel Laser Treatment

If you’re plagued by fine lines and wrinkles, brown pigmentation, sun damage, and acne scars then Fraxel laser resurfacing may be right for you. The treatment works by stimulating your skin to produce natural collagen and by lightening sun spots.  Fraxel laser treatments are ideal for patients with sun damage whose skin just needs a “refresher.”  In just one to two  treatments, a Fraxel laser treatment will improve the overall quality, texture, tone, and pore size of your skin.

  1. CoolSculpting: Double Chin Treatment

For patients who suffer from a double chin, this procedure may help them alleviate the problem. CoolSculpting is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat in just 1-2 treatments. The ideal candidate for this treatment has a fat pocket below the chin area that they would like to eliminate. During your consultation, Dr. Ahn will determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Surgeon

When considering making improvements to your face, it’s important to do your research before making your first appointment with your provider. It can mean the difference between a botched procedure that leaves you unhappy or one where the results leave you looking better and feeling more refreshed than ever before. Some important things to consider include:

  • The surgeon’s skill and experience
  • The surgeon’s general approach (natural looking vs. “obviously done”)
  • The surgeon’s training and educational background
  • The ability of the surgeonprovider to connect with their patients’ needs
  • The overall quality of pre AND postoperative care provided by the team members
  • Feedback or reviews from former and current patients

Why ‘The Aesthetic Wellness Center’

With more than 15 years of experience under his belt, Dr. Min S. Ahn is one of the top-rated surgeons in the country who specializes in facial plastic surgery. His team at The Aesthetic Wellness Center offers the latest techniques for aesthetic facial rejuvenation, making his practice the preferred choice for many clients. His reviews from happy patients also speak for themselves. Read them here.

The Aesthetic Wellness Center takes pride in helping patients look and feel their best by enhancing and rejuvenating their natural beauty. To learn more about Dr. Ahn and his dedicated team, click here.

3 Cosmetic Procedures that Effectively Reduce Fat

February 22, 2016


From melting the fat away to freezing it, doctors now have multiple ways to permanently remove stubborn fat that does not disappear with exercise and dieting alone. These proven treatments have less downtime for patients and, of course, very effective results. Below we break down the various “fat-reducing procedures” that are helping millions of people around the world.



Neck liposuction is used for patients who are looking to permanently remove excess fat in the double chin and neck area in one treatment.  Neck liposuction leaves patients with a more defined, graceful neckline. After Dr. Ahn makes a small incision at the base of the chin, he uses a small instrument to gently “vacuum” and remove the fat in the surrounding area.  Once fat is removed, it does not grow back so as long as you maintain a healthy diet, the improvement is permanenent! Neck liposuction is performed in our Joint Commission accredited operating room under twilight anesthesia.  Sutures are removed after one week and the recovery time for this procedure is approximately 7 to 10 days with slight swelling and no pain.


If you’re plagued by a double chin, Kybella can help eliminate that problem area by removing the excess fat through an injectable treatment. Approved by the FDA in April 2015, the procedure works by injecting deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in our bodies, into fat tissue. The Kybella will then make the fat cells melt away. Patients typically require 1-3 treatment sessions spaced 6 weeks apart. Some patients are satisfied after just one treatment. Kybella is performed in our office without anesthesia. Even though this is not a surgical procedure, patients have reported some downtime. The most common side effects reported include swelling, and some discomfort in the area. These can last a few days to a few weeks after your treatment.


Thanks to the FDA-cleared CoolSculpting™ Mini device, contouring the neck has never been easier. This procedure uses a paddle-like suction applicator to freeze excess fat When fat freezes, it dies and does not regenerate. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat, leaving you with a more defined neck line. CoolSculpting is the most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment in America. Most patients require only 2 treatments spaced approximately 4 weeks apart. Best of all, the procedure is fairly quick (each treatment lasts one hour) and there is no downtime!
About ‘The Aesthetic Wellness Center’ and Dr. Ahn

Dr. Min S. Ahn is a top-rated surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery. His team at The Aesthetic Wellness Center offers the latest techniques for aesthetic facial rejuvenation, making his practice the preferred choice for many clients. The ultimate goal of The Aesthetic Wellness Center is to enhance and rejuvenate the natural beauty of their patients for results they will love. To learn more about Dr. Ahn and his dedicated team, click here.

Getting a Facelift: Is it worth it?

February 22, 2016


Do you find yourself looking in the mirror and wistfully tracing the march of time across your face? Do you ever find yourself wishing you could turn back the hands of time? If you’ve answered “yes,” then you may benefit from a facelift—especially if you find that Botox, fillers or your favorite night creams no longer keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that is designed to remove excess skin and sagging soft tissue along the jawline. People who are candidates for a facelift often complain that they have jowls and “marionette lines,” or lines that extend from the corner of the mouth to the chin. A facelift will lift the jowls and shift the volume upward to the cheek area, returning them to a position they held years ago. This improves the marionette lines and leaves an individual looking fresher with a smoother jawline.

Many times men and women who are concerned with their jawline also have issues with the appearance of their neck.  If you are no longer happy with your neck angle, neck bands, or the fullness in your neck, you may be a candidate for a necklift.  A facelift and necklift are frequently performed at the same time.  By significantly improving your jaw line and neck contour, you will look like a younger, fresher version of yourself.

If you’re seriously considering a facelift or even if you’re just thinking about it, always remember to do your research. At The Aesthetic Center, we offer several options that are suited to fit every patient’s needs. The two most popular options you may want to explore are:

  • Lower Facelift with Necklift: the traditional facelift that most people think of when they hear the word targets the lower third of your face, as well as your jowls and neck. Your surgeon will make incisions around your ears, lift the jowls by tightening the “muscle” layer beneath the skin, and remove the extra skin. This will lift the jowls and improve the jawline contour.
  • Mini Lift: The mini lift is essentially just like it sounds. It’s a facelift that is done through a shorter incision! This procedure is ideal for those who have jowls but don’t have an excess amount of skin.

Candidates for a Facelift

There are a few important things to check-off your list to help you determine whether or not a facelift is for you. Patients should be in general good health and typically between the ages of 40 and 70. If the appearance of your lower face and/or neck bothers you when you look in the mirror, you are likely a strong candidate for a facelift.

A Facelift vs. Injectables

Non-surgical options are also available, with Botox and Juvederm leading the pack as common age-defying procedures:

  • Botox is a purified protein that is injected into muscles of the face and relaxes them. These muscles cause wrinkles like the frown lines, forehead lines and crow’s feet. Botox typically lasts about 3-4 months.
  • Juvederm is a filler that that is injected under the skin to restore volume and provide improvements in the appearance of wrinkles. Juvederm can last up to 1 ½ years.
  • Voluma is one of the newest fillers on the market and it is used to restore volume to the cheeks. Voluma can last up to 2 years.

While the above options are popular, it’s important to remember that both will require you to have treatments repeated in order to maintain results.

Injectable treatments will reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but they will not remove excess skin, improve skin laxity, or eliminate skin sagging. The only way to effectively treat these issues is through surgery. A facelift will provide much more long-lasting results than non-surgical options. Most surgeons say a facelift or neck lift will “last” about 8-10 years.

Finding the right doctor

It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to find a doctor with the right amount of experience, who can understand your wants and needs, and with whom you feel comfortable. After all, this is your face we’re talking about, and it is unique and precious to you.

Don’t let nickels and dimes stand in the way of selecting the doctor you feel is best suited to perform your procedure. Even if it means paying slightly more for the surgeon your gut is telling you is “the one”, go for it! You won’t regret it.

When it comes to experience, education and knowledge—Dr. Ahn ranks high on the list. He is double board certified and specializes in facial cosmetic surgery. Over the past 11 years he has lead The Aesthetic Wellness Center to its current status as one of the leading providers of aesthetic facial rejuvenation in the country. To learn more about our talented surgeon, click here.

 The cost of a facelift:

The average cost of a facelift will run you $9,000-$16,000. Ultimately, the cost will depend on a number of factors including: how much work the surgeon will need to do to achieve the perfect look for you, your surgeon’s experience and skill level, and even your geographic location. You can expect your cost to consist of not only your surgeon’s fee but also an anesthesia and facility fee..

Recovery after the procedure:

The final thing to consider when planning for a facelift is the amount time you’ll need to set aside for recovery after the procedure. You will experience some mild soreness and bruising for the first week after the surgery. It’s important that you rest at home and relax with your head elevated.

Typically after 10 days, the majority of your bruising will have faded and can be touched-up with a little bit of make-up. With normal healing, the total recovery time is on average 10-14 days with plenty of rest.

Interested in learning more?

Once you’ve analyzed every aspect of a facelift and explored all of the benefits, come find out why Dr. Ahn is one of the most sought after facial plastic surgeons in the region. He’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have about the procedure in order to help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted.  He does not charge for a consultation. Call us today at (508) 593-4385. Cheers to a younger and more vibrant looking you!

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for a facelift?

December 23, 2015

blog1awcMost of our clients that schedule a consultation at The AWC let us know that they don’t feel as old on the inside as they think they’re beginning to look on the outside. If you feel like you don’t look like yourself lately because your face is showing the natural signs of aging, perhaps you’re ready for a facelift.

Once you’ve made the decision to have a facelift, how do you know if you’re actually a good candidate for the procedure? 

An ideal facelift candidate:

  • Is between the ages of 40 and 70, although older clients are occasionally considered.
  • Is looking for high quality, long-lasting results.
  • Is both physically and mentally healthy; a non smoker, and near their ideal weight.
  • Has skin and soft tissue on the face and neck that sags with deep wrinkles and jowls, but still maintains some elasticity. 
  • Has reasonable and realistic expectations, and understands the recovery time.  Comes to a consultation with a prepared list of questions so nothing goes unanswered.

It’s important to remember that a facelift is not meant to completely alter your appearance or make you look like someone else. A facelift is a way to restore and enhance a youthful appearance, boost your self-confidence, and help you look and feel your very best!

Treating acne scars with Fraxel laser. Is it for you?

December 23, 2015


Acne scars are a troubling problem that can interfere with your self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, there is a solution in Fraxel laser technology, a treatment we provide here at The Aesthetic Wellness Center.

How does Fraxel treat acne scars?

Fraxel is a widely praised, FDA-approved treatment for acne scars. A patient can expect a 50-75% improvement in the skin divots caused by damaging breakouts. Here at The Aesthetic Wellness Center, we use the 1550 wavelength erbium laser of the Fraxel DUAL to treat acne scarring. The laser sends microscopic laser columns into the skin that create micro wounds in problem areas. As the skin heals around these tiny wounds, it produces collagen. This new collagen restores volume to areas hollowed by acne, smoothing out the skin’s appearance. The micro wounds will continue to heal and remodel collagen for up to six months after we treat the skin.

Is Fraxel right for you?

Fraxel treatments have proven effective on boxcar scars, broad depressions with steep edges, and rolling acne scars, broad depressions with sloping edges. Typically about 5 to 6 treatments, spaced at least 3 to 4 weeks apart, are required to notice an improvement in the appearance of the acne scars.

(Click to read about the Fraxel treatment process.)

Any other considerations?

During a Fraxel treatment melanocytes can become hyperactive. This creates a risk of hyper pigmentation or darkening of the skin, especially for those with darker skin tones. To minimize the risk of hyper pigmentation, we recommend patients start a pretreatment of 4% hydroquinone 4 to 6 weeks in advance of the procedure and resume treatment one week after. We advise patients to use sunscreen and avoid the sun in the first four weeks following a Fraxel procedure.

An effective and natural looking fix for drooping brows!

December 23, 2015


Your eyebrows are dramatically important in complementing your eyes; unfortunately, they can be among the first parts of the face to show signs of aging. Typically the upper half of the face ages 8-10 years earlier than the lower half. Women and men will notice changes in their eyes and brows starting in the 30s. The brow with the right shape and position gracefully frames the eye. As you get older, the muscle and soft tissue in the forehead region can sag. This can often cause your brows to droop below the rim of the eye socket. Drooping brows can make you look tired, angry, sad or older – and we’re sure none of these adjectives suit your personality!

Here at The Aesthetic Wellness Center we offer two solutions to help improve the appearance of your brows – a temporal brow lift or a Botox brow lift. The ideal brow has two characteristics. Ideally the brow has an arch with its highest point on a line through the outer corner of the eye. Second, the outer, temporal portion sits above the rim of the eye socket in women and at the rim in men.

(Click here to read about financing your procedures)

As opposed to a full brow lift (also known as a coronal brow lift or endoscopic brow lift), a temporal brow lift is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed in our private, Joint Commission accredited surgical suite. Through small incisions in the hairline, Dr. Ahn only lifts the outer portion of the eyebrow, creating a much-improved appearance without the risk of a “surprised” look. There will be some swelling and bruising after the procedure, which typically lasts anywhere between 7 to 10 days. You can expect to resume social activities 10 to 14 days after the brow lift, but you should allow 3 to 4 weeks before attending a special event. The procedure can be performed by itself or, if there is extra upper eyelid skin, with an upper eyelid lift. This combination is often performed with a lower eyelid surgery, a lower facelift and a neck lift.

Some patients may be a candidate for a non-surgical Botox brow lift, which was pioneered by Dr. Ahn and first reported by him in March 2000. This procedure relaxes the muscles around the eye that cause crow’s feet and pull down on the eyebrow. By weakening this muscle, the forehead muscles can lift the brow with less opposition. The effect is to lift the brows, “open” your eyes and to provide you with a fresher look. During this procedure, our providers will administer a series of virtually painless injections that give the tail ends of the eyebrows a lift to open up your eyes. Most patients do not experience any side effects or downtime with Botox. It can take up to two weeks to notice the full Botox result. Botox typically lasts about 3 months.

Are you interested in learning more? Reach out to us at The Aesthetic Wellness Center to schedule a consultation and learn which solution is best for you.

Is there a celebrity face that inspires you?

December 23, 2015


Whether it’s Kate Bosworth’s angular chin, Kate Middleton’s proportional nose, or Olivia Munn’s distinctive eyes – it’s not uncommon for patients to look to the “stars” to identify features that might better complement their faces. In fact, according to a survey by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 13% of polled facial surgeons said they’ve seen an increase in patients requesting celebrity-inspired procedures between 2014 and 2015.

What are the most sought after features? The top picks, according to the AAFPRS include…

  • Angelina Jolie’s lips and cheekbones
  • Beyoncé’s facial structure
  • Kim Kardashian’s eyes and jawline
  • Brad Pitt’s nose
  • Natalie Portman’s nose

While it helps for you to develop an image of the result you would like, it is important to keep your expectations in check. As a patient, you will have a consultation with Dr. Ahn to identify the improvements that will best fit your face. Instead of seeking to replicate a celebrity’s feature, consider identifying aspects of the celebrity trait that will best complement your facial structure. For example, Kate Middleton has a straight nose with a rounded and slightly-upturned tip – will those features fit your face?

In the end, you’re the only star we care about in our office, and we’ll work together to provide you the natural-looking results you’re seeking. We’re looking forward to seeing you at our cosmetic surgery center to talk through your options.

Facelift Recovery: How to make it more comfortable.

October 14, 2015


So you decided to have a facelift? For some people, the decision to have cosmetic surgery is an easy one. For others it may involve much more personal reflection, but in either case, there are a number of things that you can do before the surgery to make your recovery go smoother.

If you have decided on a mini or lower facelift with neck lift, you should know that the procedure may cause some bruising, swelling and mild discomfort. Unlike some cosmetic procedures, your recovery period will usually be fairly short. You will likely be able to return to light activities within a few days, but you should plan on “taking it easy” and clearing your calendar for at least 10 to 14 days. Most people wish to remain at home during this period and some pre-planning can make the recovery period easier. Some of our patients have even said they even enjoy the downtime!

Prepare your home

  • When you come back from your surgery, you will want to return to a clean home with fresh linens and comfortable clothing.
  • Making sure that the house gets cleaned, the laundry is done, and the recyclables are taken out will help minimize your stress.
  • Also try to identify things that you normally keep on lower or higher shelving that should be moved to waist height so that you can avoid bending or stretching.

Prepare your bedside

  • During the first day or two, you may wish to remain in bed or in a comfortable chair.
  • You should make sure that you have bottled water and crackers within reach.
  • This is a great time to catch up on television shows or watch movies, so replace the batteries in remote controls and make sure your phone or mobile devices are ready for use.
  • Good lighting is a must so change the lightbulbs in the lamps as well.

Go shopping

  • When you come home, you may need some items that you don’t think of at most times.  Make a shopping list so you don’t forget anything.
  • You will want frozen peas or corn along with zip lock bags to use as cold packs, a child-sized toothbrush, a heating pad in case your back gets sore from lying down, crackers for mild nausea, straws to make drinking liquids easier, bottled water and soft foods like Jello, pudding and breakfast drinks – and don’t leave out the DVDs that you may want to purchase.

Arrange for children and pets

  • If you have children, you may need to consider having them watched by grandparents or other relatives, particularly if they are young.
  • Arranging for someone to care for your pets may also be advisable.  If you don’t think this is necessary, at least arrange for a neighbor or close friend to check in with you a few times throughout the day.

Tend to your personal needs

  • Arrange to have your prescriptions and other medications you need filled and picked up before your procedure.
  • Make sure that you have loose-necked or button up tops and pajama bottoms ready to wear.
  • If you have long hair, get some hair ties to secure it comfortably out of your way.
  • You have already taken care of the movies, remote and have the mobile devices ready to use but consider preloading a book or two – or getting “real” books if you prefer to occupy some of your downtime.

The night before surgery, take some quiet “me” time to help you relax.  When you return home after your surgery, avoiding anxiety and stress by relaxing can help speed your recovery.  Even if it seems to be taking a long time, any swelling and bruising will subside and you will look and feel great in the end.

Min S Ahn, MD FACS and the staff at the Aesthetic Wellness Center want your cosmetic surgery experience and recovery to go as well as possible. Preparing for surgery before – and after can help speed your recovery and improve your outcome.

Could Fraxel could be your answer to wrinkles and discoloration?

August 23, 2015


Fraxel is a pioneering fractional laser technology that addresses the visible effects of aging. It is a solution for people seeking to improve the overall quality of their skin. Although Fraxel wouldn’t take the place of surgery, it can complement surgical procedures and further refine results.

How does Fraxel repair skin?

The Aesthetic Wellness Center has been using Fraxel lasers to treat the skin since 2006. The Fraxel laser targets damaged skin with thousands of microscopic laser columns that penetrate the layers of the skin. The laser columns trigger a healing process in the skin, which produces collagen in the treated areas. This results in smoother, more youthful looking skin.

For skin discoloration caused by sunspots or aging, we use a combination of the 1550 and 1927 wavelength Fraxel DUAL lasers. Discoloration may return without proper application of sunscreen and sun protection; therefore, it is important to reapply sunscreen and wear a hat if you are in the sun for long periods of time. In the case of melasma, which is a chronic condition, patients may see the discoloration return, making maintenance treatments essential.

How many treatments do I need?

Depending on the issue being treated and its severity, many patients will need one to two treatments to begin. In some cases, multiple treatments are recommended to achieve the desired results. Ideally, patients should receive one treatment per year to keep up with their results and undo any damage created over the course of the year.

How long does Fraxel last?

The results of a Fraxel treatment can last for an extended period of time – consider how long it takes for skin damage to occur. It is important to properly maintain your outcome with a high quality sunscreen and good skin care for long lasting results.