Tips for Getting the Best Possible Facelift Results
December 14, 2021
Min S. Ahn, MD, FACS, has earned a reputation as New England’s best facial plastic surgeon by consistently achieving great results for his patients. Through decades of experience, he has gained a thorough understanding of what patients should do to attain the best possible outcomes from a facelift. If you are considering having a facelift, read on for his expert tips.
Avoid Direct Sunlight
Every plastic surgery patient hopes that their scars will fade. Unfortunately, surgical scars that are exposed to ultraviolet rays become darker and thicker. It is imperative that facelift patients stay out of the sun, especially while the incisions are still healing. When sunlight cannot be avoided, wear sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your incisions from UV exposure.
The sun’s warmth can also have an adverse effect on healing after a facelift, because heat may cause inflammation and excessive bleeding.
Sun damage is also responsible for signs of premature aging. To help maintain the results of your facelift for as long as possible, continue to protect your skin from the sun in the years to follow.
Keep Your Head Elevated
It is important to keep your head elevated following facial surgery. This helps to drain fluids that may otherwise accumulate around the incisions. These excess fluids increase swelling and prolong the recovery period.
When you are sitting and standing, your head is naturally elevated, so this advice mainly pertains to when you lie down. Use pillows to prop up your head while you sleep. Be sure to lie flat on your back rather than on your side to avoid putting pressure on your face while it is healing.
A facelift will rejuvenate the face, but maintaining those results over the long term requires daily upkeep. Start a skincare routine that protects and hydrates the skin. Understand that not all products are created equal. Dr. Ahn can offer product recommendations to help you maximize your results for a younger-looking face long after your surgery.
Select a Superior Surgeon
Although your commitment to your aftercare regimen will play a role in your results, the most important factor is the skill and experience of your plastic surgeon. An experienced surgeon who employs advanced surgical techniques is better equipped to produce attractive, natural-looking results.
Dr. Ahn is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who is celebrated for his trademark “Deep Plane Lift” facelift technique. He takes extra care to avoid creating an unnaturally tight look. His technique allows the incisions to heal better, with scars usually fading from visibility entirely. This is a highly successful method for minimizing the appearance of jowls.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahn at The Aesthetic Wellness Center in Boston, please call (508) 426-8622.