A patients perspective on getting a facelift and neck lift

November 14, 2016

Paula 1 week before her Lower Face and Neck Lift

If you have been thinking of getting a cosmetic procedure, you may be going back-and-forth between excitement and anxiousness. The idea of waking up every day with the appearance you dream of may be held back by the nerves you feel when you think about going through a life-changing surgery.

Almost everyone feels anxious before a cosmetic procedure, but the surgery is much easier than most people think. Our patients who decided to go through with a procedure have said that cosmetic surgery was significantly better than what they expected and that they feel more beautiful, confident and happier overall.

Because we want all of our patients to feel comfortable before a procedure, we asked one of our patients, Paula, to keep us updated about her progress and feelings before and after her lower facelift and neck lift.

Before the Facelift

Paula had been seeing that she looked a little more tired and a bit older, and liked the idea of looking younger and refreshed. She wanted her children to look at her as the beautiful mother that she is, and wanted to have that extra bit of confidence in her life. Paula saw the before and after photos of Dr. Ahn’s patients and decided it was time for herself to have a lower facelift and neck lift.

Paula met with the staff at the Aesthetic Wellness Center three weeks prior to her procedure and was given a detailed plan of everything she needed to do leading up to the procedure. She was surprised that she wouldn’t be able to bend down to pick up her dog, but was glad to be given the information in advance so that she could properly prepare.

Like most patients, Paula was a little anxious before the procedure. She was comforted, however, by the amount of information she was given. In her update, Paula stated, “I have so much confidence in the whole staff here and Dr. Ahn.” Having that type of confidence in your surgeon and staff is incredibly important when going into a procedure and will help calm your nerves.

The Day of the Facelift

Many patients admit that they are afraid of going through with a cosmetic procedure because they believe that they will be in a great deal of pain following the procedure. As most patients discover, it’s almost never as bad as you think. Paula admitted that she felt no real pain at all, just a little tightness under her chin.

After the Procedure

You may be amazed at how quickly you will see results after getting a facelift. For Paula, she noticed a difference just one day after her procedure. Paula had some swelling and a little feeling of tightness which is normal, but was happy to tell us, “I never expected to feel this good after the day of surgery.”

Paula was able to go back to work just two weeks after her surgery and got great feedback from her coworkers. Two months later, she’s feeling confident and beautiful. She’s still healing and feels a bit of numbness, but that will dissipate in the coming months. Paula is beyond happy that she had the surgery and was shocked by how easy it was.

If you want to see more of Paula’s story, you can watch all of her video updates here. If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure or just have questions about the process, set up your consultation with Dr. Ahn today and feel comfortable knowing you’re in excellent, double board-certified hands.

The Dr. Ahn Difference

Dr. Ahn specializes in facial aesthetic rejuvenation and understands that patients need individualized care catered to their unique goals and considerations. Using his artistic eye, surgical experience and wide-ranging skills, he guides his clients through this highly personal process; whether it be a minimally invasive treatment or a cosmetically transforming surgery.

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