Here Is What Neck Lift Can — and Cannot — Fix

May 14, 2021
Neck lift in Boston

Because the neck is one of the first parts of the body to show significant signs of aging, it is understandable that Dr. Min S. Ahn has worked with many Boston area patients who have major concerns about their necks. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Ahn explains the outcomes he can achieve with a neck lift procedure, as well as a couple of things the surgery simply cannot change:

Tightening Up the “Wattle”

Although a “turkey neck” is generally associated with older adults, that notable skin “wattle” can start to manifest itself prematurely beneath an otherwise younger-looking face. A neck lift is a great solution to minimize the dangling skin that can be far more of a prominent feature than you care to have on your neck.

Removing Fat

Some patients find that they simply accumulate more fat deposits on their lower face as they age. Neck lift surgery is a great way to target the fat below the chin. Instead of performing random liposuction, Dr. Ahn surgically removes the fat in a precise manner.

Sharpening the Jawline

Along with removing fat, many patients have the desire to achieve a more sculpted jawline. While the jawline is not typically corrected through a neck lift, many patients choose to have a “mini” facelift or lower facelift performed at the same time to create a more defined jawline.

De-Emphasizing Vertical Neck Bands (Platysmal Bands)

Your platysma muscle is the wide muscle that extends from your chin to your collar bone. For some patients this muscle becomes more relaxed and more prominent over the years. As a result, two parallel and vertical protruding neck bands form. Through a special technique performed by Dr. Ahn, called a “corset platysmaplasty,” those sharp bands will soften, providing you with a smoother and more youthful neckline.

And Here Is What Neck Lift Cannot Do

Neck lift patients who visit a doctor expecting to get an entirely different-shaped neck are misguided. The procedure is better suited for restoring the contour of your neck from years ago. In other words, if your neck never looked a certain way in your younger years, it won’t look that way after a neck lift.

It is also important to remember that while a neck lift helps to rejuvenate your appearance, the results are not permanent. On average, a neck lift will take approximately 10-15 years off your appearance. However, the aging process will continue and Dr. Ahn recommends maintaining those results through a good skin care regimen, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Some patients opt to have yearly skin maintenance treatments such as Fraxel, Fractora and Morpheus8, while other patients consider more invasive treatments 8-10 years after their surgical procedure.

Learn More from Dr. Ahn Directly

Dr. Ahn is a double board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in procedures of the face and neck. He has earned a national reputation for performing neck lifts with smaller incisions and shorter recovery times. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ahn to determine whether you are a good candidate for neck lift surgery, please call the Aesthetic Wellness Center at (508) 426-8622.

The Dr. Ahn Difference

Dr. Ahn specializes in facial aesthetic rejuvenation and understands that patients need individualized care catered to their unique goals and considerations. Using his artistic eye, surgical experience and wide-ranging skills, he guides his clients through this highly personal process; whether it be a minimally invasive treatment or a cosmetically transforming surgery.

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