How Coolsculpting Works

CoolSculpting is a non-­invasive fat removal procedure performed at the Aesthetic Wellness Center that doesn’t require any anesthesia or recovery time. During this revolutionary contouring treatment patients may feel a slight tingling sensation, but with little to no discomfort. In fact, many patients will read, work on their laptop or take a nap. The cooling causes fat cells to die slowly. Once fat cells are removed by the body, they never regenerate. A typical CoolSculpting treatment will last about ½ hour and afterwards, patients can return to everyday activities. Some patients experience redness, tingling, numbness or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve.

Am I a Good Candidate?

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss solution for people who are obese, or a substitute for surgical methods such as liposuction. Good candidates for Coolsculpting will have noticeable bulges in certain areas they’d like to improve. CoolSculpting Before and After Photos The medical staff at Aesthetic Wellness Center will determine if you are a candidate for a Coolsculpting body contouring treatment during your consultation.


When you have your CoolSculpting treatment, the affected fat cells will be eliminated leaving you with a trim and beautiful shape. CoolSculpting results are permanent as long as you maintain your weight with your normal diet and exercise. Want to learn more about Coolsculpting? Make sure to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ahn and his staff today.